I am a journalist working at the economic desk at the Austrian newspaper Der Standard, where I focus on climate and environmental policies within the EU and globally.
Contributing to both daily news as well as investigative projects, I cover topics at the intersection of politics, finance and climate and environmental impacts. In recent investigations, I have looked at lobbying around the EU methane regulation, worked on data on the role of banks in financing new oil and gas projects, and addressed chemical pollution in the Danube River. I am also part of a team that hosts the podcast “Edition Zukunft.”
Before joining Der Standard in 2022, I was freelancing for several international media outlets. For example, I worked on investigations on the soy industry in the Cerrado in Brazil, Europe's LNG infrastructure, the EU's supply chain law, sea level rise in Sierra Leone and climate impacts in the Lake Chad region. My stories have been published in various news outlets, including Tagesspiegel, Die Zeit, Spiegel Online, ZDF Magazin Royal, SWR2, the Guardian, and Mongabay. I was also part of a team that developed a newsletter for the magazine Datum, focusing on translating climate stories from authors worldwide into German to make their reporting more accessible to a German-reading audience.
I studied Political Science and International Development in Vienna and completed the Erasmus Mundus Journalism MA in Aarhus, Sydney, and Amsterdam. In my thesis, I wrote about different role perceptions of Colombian journalists reporting on the conflict in the country.
✉️ alicia.prager@derstandard.com